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2019 USA average ratings: 8,3 / 10 Star 2 hour, 15m movie info: Jo March (Saoirse Ronan) reflects back and forth on her life, telling the beloved story of the March sisters - four young women each determined to live life on her own terms.

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Brighter color tones, longer hair/short haircut (esp Jo) means it's in the past. Darker tones, hair up: means the movie is in the present.
It's so easy to follow, so I hope this help.
Awesome movie and awesome cast. Remake didn't feel like a remake because Greta did it so well. “Väikesed naised” on kolmekümnesse keelde tõlgitud menuromaan, mis jutustab nelja tütarlapse elust möödunud sajandi Ameerikas. Nende elus tuleb ette nii lustakaid kui raskeid päevi. Üksteist abistades ja koduse armastuse toel tulevad nad kõigega toime. Romaani tegelaste populaarsusest läbi aastate kõneleb seegi, et teosest on tehtud neli filmi. Eesti Raamat, 1995. 208 lk.

Este é um dos meus livros favoritos de Dostoiévski. Assisti há uns anos uma peça incrível com direção do saudoso Abujamra, que simplesmente deu uma visão ainda mais profunda ao texto trabalhando principalmente as características demoníacas dos personagens. A peça chamava-se Os Possessos. Foi nela que me apaixonei por esse texto, pela maneira como vemos as mudanças na visão do autor. Enfim. Tudo. Hehehehehe beijo Tati, excelente domingo. ❤️.

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Muy linda la peli, pero. NO es la version con Winona y Susan

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There have been 8 film adaptations of the Louisa May Alcott novel and 5 of them are rated a 7.2 on IMDB. Also, 3 of these film adaptations have been within the last 3 years. For reasons unknown these facts amaze me.
A story of Jo March (Saoirse Ronan) coming of age with her sisters while trying to support herself with writing stories for the newspaper and attempting to live outside of the social norm of what's expected of a woman during the 19th century.
This was a lovely cast with lots of chemistry. I started off really enjoying the film and would've rated it higher if it had not veered off of the strongest part of the story. In my opinion, Jo March's story was most interesting along with her friendship/romance with Laurie (Timothee Chalamet. Although they do make her the main character of the story, I felt they took a little too much time with some of the other sisters. I wish they did less with Meg March (Emma Watson) and Amy March (Florence Pugh) had a situation where her half of the story could've been really interesting, but it almost felt like a huge important chunk of her story was left on the cutting room floor. With that being said, the movie was very sweet, but I think it's going to fall a little bit outside of my top 10 for this year. 7.4/10.
Greta Gerwig is a solid director, but between this and "Lady Bird" she isn't necessarily a name I need to go out and see work from. I understand that these two films have been very critically acclaimed, but I have yet to be convinced through the direction. There's nothing that I see and think "wow, no other director could do that." In fact, between these last two I think there are quite a few that could successfully pull these films off. There have literally been 7 other directors of Little Women (even if this has the highest rating of them all. This is more of an editing flaw, but there were times near the beginning where I wasn't quite sure which time-period we were in. Like, we're flipping between present day (in the film) and 7 years prior and though I had a hunch which point in time were at due to the color difference, I still struggled a couple of times. Also, why was Timothee Chalamet's hair all "cover of GQ magazine? I was waiting for him to pull out his iPhone 11.
Now Greta Gerwig strived here in the writing. Give credit to Louisa May Alcott for the original story, but Greta Gerwig did write the screenplay. It's always hard to adapt a book into a movie and it's impossible to compare when you're like me and haven't read the book. As I mentioned in my review summary, there were flaws. Specifically with the character of Amy March. There's a subplot of the story with her and someone else where I don't really know how the transition from 7 years prior to present day happened. It really didn't make sense to me and that's all I can say without spoiling it. That's why I feel like there was possibly more to her story that would patch that up, but it wasn't in the movie and that's unfortunate, because her story might've been the most interesting, if not for Jo's story.
Everything is amazing her except for one minor thing. Emma Watson does not have the American Accent down. Clearly they weren't going for a Mid-Atlantic accent as people had during that period, so her having trouble with the American accent through me off slightly. Again, very slightly, not enough to make me hate it or anything and I could never hate Emma Watson. She might be my dream girl. Her natural beauty is something of angels. *clears throat* Anyway, the acting in this film is so good otherwise. Timothee Chalamet is A-List and Florence Pugh kills it. Honestly, I wouldn't be mad if anyone in this film was nominated for an Oscar, but I don't think any of them should win an Oscar. I could most definitely see this film winning a Best Ensemble award.

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